Check out these 5 tips in Photoshop
- Discover how they did that in Photoshop
- How to make thumbnails with multiple images and shred time (Hint, you can do it all in 1 document)
- Get the rest of the goodies in Photoshop
- How to activate Multiple layer masks
As always very informative.
All were new to me Colin, thanks for teaching us!
You asked what I would want to learn…… example; I cut out a very fluffy or long haired animal in a photo and replace the background and partial foreground with a very blurry picture of a wall of clouds. So the animal stands out in the new photo. It’s a composite. Wish I could upload a picture so you would know exactly what I mean. I’ve tried it but it never turns out the way I see it in my mind.
All new to me and I’m very thankful for the tips – makes work so much easier!!
Thanks again for these great tips. For what the brushes concern, you can delete brushes out of the list one by one or is it possible to select a number of brushes and delete them all a once together?
All new to me – I’ve tried to achieve a few of the examples you’ve given, but always do it the “long” way ….. thanks for the tips Colin!!
TX all new to me helps a lot
All the tips were new to me and very helpful
All except for #4 were new. I love the one about nesting layers and masks. Will certainly use it in the future.
Hi Colin, all your tutorials are very helpful and some are real eye-openers, but I need to understand “Blend-if”. Do you have instructions for this?