How to use 3D in Photoshop, Ultimate Tutorial

3d In Photoshop Photoshopcafe.jpg

Learn how to use 3D in Photoshop CC. This Photoshop 3D tutorial shows how to use all the 3D tools in Photoshop. Photoshop is especially good at texturing and Lighting. It’s important to follow the 3D pipeline to get good results. Its the same workflow used for visual effects you see in movies and print commercials. Obviously more sophisticated tools are used for movies such as Maya or 3D Studio for games. Photoshop has a surprising amount of tools that enable us to make some pretty decent 3D work. It’s weakness is lack of modeling tools and the rendering is very slow. Photoshop is great for compositing 3D into photographs and maybe I’ll address that in another tutorial. This tutorial will show you the workflow and explain how 3D works as well as the tools in Photoshop, with my usual sprinkling of tips.

I suggest that you watch the video because there is a lot of information in it that would take too long to write it all out.