How To Edit Video in Photoshop: Free mini Course

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Yes, Photoshop can edit video. It can also do much more. Such as, applying adjustment layers and filters to video (Even Camera RAW). You can stack layers, including graphics, text, photos and video. It supports animation and motion graphics and even 3D animation. Photoshop is like a mini Premiere Pro and After Effects all in one. To see what’s possible, watch this tutorial and see the written steps below. This is for all versions of Photoshop CC and works on Photoshop CS6 Extended.

I’ve been experimenting so much with this that I have written a book with Peachpit Press – Video in Photoshop, as well as 2 video courses at PhotoshopCAFE, Video in Photoshop (companion for the book) and Making Movies in Photoshop. I have also taught this at Adobe MAX and Photoshop World. For full-length editing, you should use Premiere Pro. For short clips, promos, ads, motion graphics, social media etc, Photoshop shines.