The best tool for Color Grading in Photoshop is Camera Raw.
“What?” You might say? “I didn’t even know that you could use Camera Raw with video”. Yes, you can, and you can get really great results. It’s as easy as editing a photo in ACR.
This tutorial walks you though all the steps for using Camera Raw for editing the color and tone of your videos. The important thing, is to make a Smart Object first. I show 2 examples. The first, we go through the steps very quickly. The second example, I explain how to get video into Photoshop, how to apply a cinematic Color grade and how to export the video. This tutorial is for Photoshop CC.
I will be adding the written steps soon.
I have 2 premium courses on Photoshop and video if you want to learn more. I also wrote a book with Peachpit Press called Video in Photoshop.
Thanks for watching
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
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