How to use Photoshop CC 2019’s new Content Aware Fill, in depth.
Content aware fill is one of those things that I would actually call a “game changer.” I hate to use that phrase because it’s so overused for things that aren’t paradigm shifting.
Content aware fill in Photoshop allows you to make a rough selection and then remove the selected object. In the past sometimes it worked well and other times it didn’t work at all, and there was nothing you could do. Now with the new Content Aware Fill panel in Photoshop CC 2019, there are a lot of things you can do to assist CAF to get a much better patch. If the result isn’t perfect, it’s good enough to do a little light retouching to get it perfect. Here is a guide that digs in deep and shows you all the things that you can do with Content Aware Fill.
As you can see in this video, Adobe has made some big strides with Content Aware technology and I hope this tutorial helps you understand it and get the most out of it.
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Here are the Photos used in this Photoshop Tutorial
Example #1 The Pizza.
The goal of this example is to remove all the olives. The challenge is not adding in bits of leaves, which look really fake. CAF samples around the image and sometimes pieces of other object appear.
Example #2 The man in the field
The goal here is to remove the man and his reflection. The challenge is the perspective lines, CAF has never done will with diagonal lines or perspective.
When I get some time, I will create a written tutorial here.
Thanks for checking this out. Don’t forget to tell your friends about the CAFE, they will thank you for it.
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