Vintage Photo processing looks, how to make them in Photoshop
This Photoshop tutorial will introduce you to 4 processing techniques that were historically used in processing photos. You will learn where these names came from and how to reproduce these effects in Photoshop. Having a knowledge of how they were achieved in the dark room will help you produce more authentic images, instead of just common “filtered” images.
The four techniques we address are
- Bleach bypass: skipping the washing process in developing.
- Collidian wet plate: The main techniques used in early photography, invented by Fred Archer (You want to old west look, here it is)
- Cross process: using chemicals for one medium on another, produces interesting colors.
- Autochrome Luminere: The Luminere Brothers invented commercial color photos. Interestingly, they started in Motion pictures, but didn’t feel “there was a future in it”.
Watch the video to see more and learn how to produce these looks. I will add the written steps as soon as I can find the time.
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