How to use Adjustment Layers in Photoshop CC
When it comes to making your images look good, there are 2 places to go, Adjusment Layers and Camera Raw plugin.
This tutorial explains exactly what Adjustment Layers are, why you should use them and it’s sprinkled with a healthy does of tips and practical examples. Get ready to grow in your Photoshop knowledge.
Learn exactly how Adjustment Layers work in Photoshop in 4 steps that are packed with little-known tips and tricks. Your photos are going to look amazing. This is the ultimate guide to the heart of Photoshop. Colin Smith will show you:
4 classes of Photoshop Adjustment Layers
3 Benefits of Adjustment Layers over everything else
Masks, Blending Modes and advanced blending
Extending Adjustment Layer functionality to regular Adjustments
Tutorial on Curves here
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