There are loads of video chat and conferencing apps to choose from but chances are, everyone you’re looking to connect with already has Instagram and lucky for you, Instagram already has group video chat functionality built-in. Here’s how to use it.
While you can call any public profile, Instagram will prioritise chats with people you already follow and interact with frequently. Group video chats also allow for a maximum of six people at a time; just so you know.
How to start a video chat on Instagram
- Open Instagram
- Tap the paper plane icon in the top right corner
- Tap the video camera icon in the top right corner
- Search for or tap on the suggested person or people (up to six) you want to video call
- Tap ‘Start’ in the top right corner, to initiate the call
How to add a friend to a current video chat
As explained in the introduction, the advantage of Instagram is that the app allows for calls with up to six people at the same time.
To invite people to join an existing video conversation that you’re already engaged in, just follow these two steps:
- Tap the “Add” icon (it looks like two people standing behind one another) in the bottom right
- From the list that pops up, search for or tap on the suggested person or people that you want to add to your current video call
How to start a video chat from an existing conversation
If you’ve already got a long-standing text-based chat with a friend or a group of friends on Instagram, you can jump to a video straight from that chosen thread as follows:
- Open Instagram
- Tap the paper plane icon in the top right corner
- Select the existing thread containing the person or people you want to video chat with
- Tap the video camera icon in the top right corner
- The call will then start immediately