We start with a photograph on a car that is stationary and then make it look like it’s moving in Photoshop. (See the bottom of the page to download the photo)
This is a trick I have been using for a number of years, and frankly, its a lot of fun to do. Check out the video and learn how to put this car into motion
How to put a still subject into motion!
Basically, we are going to cut out the car and put it on a new layer. Ill show you quick select and refine edge, as well as how to do it with the pen tool, by making paths.
Then we blur the background with a motion Blur. We then blend the 2 layers together to add the appearance of motion. A little extra work is done to fix the windows. I show you how to darken the windows, so the lack of driver isn’t a problem. I also show how to make the windows transparent, but still having the appearance of glass. Finally, we need to spin the wheels. I cover 2 ways of doing it. We do the traditional way that works on all versions of Photoshop. We then look at a newer way that works only in photoshop CC.
I hope you enjoy this. Check out all the new, free tutorials here on photoshopCAFE.
You can grab my practice Photo here (Educational use only please).

Till next time, Colin
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
You can get my free Layer Blending modes ebook along with dozens of exclusive Photoshop Goodies here