Accounts and downloads tutorial, it’s easy, just watch this quick video
This is our new way of serving you with the content that you need, where you need it and when you need it.
For a long time, I have wanted to get you your training in a way that it’s flexible to fit your lifestyle. We didn’t want to just copy what other people are doing, because that isn’t always working.
The reason is we want to look to the future and serve the present. We simply cannot do that while hanging on to the past. I have heard from so many of you, that you no longer have a DVD player in your computer and that most new computers haven’t had a DVD ROM for a number of years.
I have also heard from a lot of you, that you are now wanting to watch your training on tablets and phones. However, you don’t necessarily want to be connected to the internet all the time. You travel on trains in planes, busses, and ubers and want to watch your training there too (Actually this is the best time to learn. Turn your commute into a university).
Another thing, Adobe is doing smaller, incremental updates between major releases. It’s impossible to do a re-run of a DVD each time and send it out. Also, emailing a new download is difficult, and if you miss the email, you would miss the update.
So the solution that we came up with is PhotoshopCAFE ANYWHERE.
This means, in the future, when you buy premium training from PhotoshopCAFE, you can download it to your computer. All the video files are in the clips folder and named in such a way, that they will be easy to use when you copy them to your mobile devices (Through iTunes, or your player of choice). So you can watch them anywhere.
But that’s just part of anywhere. The other part is anytime access. You will have your own control panel, where all your downloads will be listed and you can re-download them, whenever you like.
This means, on certain training, we will be able to drop in updates that you will be able to download them whenever you like and stay up to date.
In fact, if you have purchased a download from us in the past 3 years, just log into your account and your downloads are there now, today!
BONUS. You know those nice bonuses, the Superguides and blending modes ebook.? Yup, you can also download those whenever you like from your account.
Let me show you what you can do. Go to your account and login. (Note, this email list and PhotoshopCAFE account are not the same. If you have made a purchase in the past 3 years, you will have an account at PhotoshopCAFE). If you just want the free bonuses, you can create an account for free at PhotoshopCAFE.
1. Gift Certificates and Vouchers live here
All your free bonuses are here
Re download your training here
This is just the beginning! We have lots of work to do and lots of ideas to expand all of this for you in the future. PhotoshopCAFE is one of the longest-running Photoshop resources in the world, and we plan to be around to serve you long into the future. PhotoshopCAFE ANYWHERE is one way that we can do this.
1. So you are ending DVDs?
After 17 years and pioneering CD and DVD Roms in our industry (yes, we were the first), we have to cut the anchor, DVDs are fast becoming obsolete. However, you will be able to get them at our sister site (we are launching a new SC site very soon too – with DVDs).
2. I bought a DVD, can it be added to my account?
Unfortunately, there just isn’t a way to do that right now, the man-hours would be enormous to do that.If you have a DVD, you can still copy the digital files from the clips folder to your mobile devices and other computers, so you still have the ability to watch your training anywhere.
3. Is this a subscription?
No, you still buy your training as you need it and some of the courses will come with free updates in between major Adobe updates. Big releases like 2017/2018 will be paid purchases.
4. What about streaming video?
We have had streaming video for 2 years now at If you have purchased our streaming training courses, nothing has changed for you, just remember that it’s a separate account login. We are looking at adding a streaming option to PhotoshopCAFE in the near future. (Just one exciting feature on its way)
5. I bought a download 4 years ago, 10 years ago. Can it be added?
We can go back 3 years because this is how long we have been using the database solution we have and we are able to import accounts. Before that, we processed everything manually and we didn’t have accounts.
Please also be aware, that there might still be a few little bugs as we sweep up the dust on this big release. Let us know if you find any (please be patient as we fix them).
I hope you are as excited as we are moving forward! This is just the beginning and I’d love to hear what you would like to see here at your CAFE.
We have launched a brand new site. The focus is on speed and clarity of information. I want to make it easy for you to find what you are looking for, check out the enhanced search in the top menu. The site search never really worked correctly before. Now it should work very well.
Also, there is an enhanced account experience. When you log into your account, you will see all your downloads listed. You can now re-download any of your purchases at any time. You will also notice a tab that says bonuses. You can grab the free superguides and ebooks from there.
More to come soon, We will officially be going out of beta next week and then announcing new features as we go. Please feel free to add any bugs or feature requests into the comments.
All New PhotoshopCAFE website
New site, new logo, renewed passion! Photoshopcafe launched v5.5 of it’s website. A favorite Photoshop tutorial site for over 14 years gets a new face, and a new heart! Discover all the new content and explore the tutorials in a style that suits your personality.
Update (September 14th 2015)
We just launched a complete rebuild of the site. While at first it looks very similar, there are significant improvements. We completely rebuilt it from the ground up:
- The speed is dramatically improved.
- The premium videos page is completely redesigned
- The responsive (mobile version) works correctly
- The search bars all work correctly, with better and focused searches
- The authors section works, browse all content by your fav author
We are still working behind the scenes to fix little things here and there.
I want to show you a couple of innovative features here:
Rabbit Hole Learning
Drill-down on Tool or technique
This is completely unique to PhotoshopCAFE. When you are in a tutorial, you will see ingredients (we have had those for a decade). What’s new is that you can click on any of the ingredients and you will see a listing of all tutorials with that keyword, such as a tool. This enables you to really go down the rabbit hole and explore and master a particular tool.
Here we click on the Layer Masks Ingredient
And we get a listing of all tutorials containing that same ingredient.
Browse tutorial by Content type
We have 3 different types of content
- Step by Step: Written walk-through of the steps (recipe style)
- Video tutorial: Watch and Learn
- Article: More detailed information for you to understand a principle
Many of our tutorials include both a proper step by step with screen captures for you to follow long as well as a Video. These are usually a little different. Some things are explained better in written words and others in video.
Click on the filter, to only show the type of content that you want.
Here, we have the tutorials filtered by type of content
I hope you enjoy all these new innovations, designed to help you find the content you are looking for at PhotoshopCAFE.
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PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
You can get my free Layer Blending modes ebook along with dozens of exclusive Photoshop Goodies here