How to create glints of light in Photoshop, starburst effect.
Step 1
First thing we need to do is create a new document. I set my background to black to that I can see the white glint that we will prepare.
Create a new layer and choose the line tool (Hidden under the rectangle shape tool in the toolbox)
Choose 2 pixels and the draw pixel option from the options bar
Step 2
Set white as your foreground color and draw a short dash(A) Hold the Shift key to constrain the rotation to a horizontal line
Choose Filter>Blur>Motion Blur as shown in (B). Add enough distance to get a nice tapered look. Make sure the angle matches the angle of the line.
Step 3
Duplicate the Layer with the dash on it
Press Ctrl (Windows) /Cmd (Mac) +T for free transform
Rotate the dash while holding down shift to constrain the rotation
Step 4
Choose both dash Layers and press Ctrl/Cmd+E to merge them. Careful not to merge with background
Duplicate the merged dash layer (Ctrl/Cmd+J)
Press Ctrl/Cmd+T for free transform Rotate 45 deg, grab a corner point and scale toward the center to make the new star smaller (hold down alt/option+shift to scale from center and constrain)
Step 5
You now have your starburst and you may be happy right here. For those of you who want to add a lens flare to the starburst continue…
Create a new Layer
Grab the elliptical marquee tool (circular selection tool)
Create a selection over the starburst
Step 6
Choose Edit>Stroke
Choose a 1 pixel white stroke
Choose Filter>Blue>Gaussian Blur to soften the effect
Click ok and we’re all done!
Step 7
Merge the layers together to use on your illustrations and photos.
Note: You can save them as a smart object, or add them to your creative cloud Library if you have cc. What is a Library and how do you use it?
Another option is to make a custom brush: Flatten the whole thing, choose Ctrl/Cmd+I to inverse and then make a selection around the starburst. Choose Edit>Define Custom Brush.
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Here are a few examples of use
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