Copy, the cloud storage service by Barracuda software, will soon be closing its doors. This means existing customers will need to remove their files and move them to another provider if they wish to have an online backup of their precious documents, photos, and other data. Here’s how to move your files from to another cloud service, and which ones you will want to consider as a viable alternative.
See also:
Best Cloud storage services 2016
How to move your files from to another cloud service: Using the desktop client
If you already have the Copy desktop client installed then moving your files is very easy. For those who haven’t set up this useful app it’s a simple case of going to and clicking on the Install Desktop App option in the upper right corner. Once everything is installed, set up, and synced you’ll be able to move your files.
1. Go to the Start Menu, then find and launch the Copy App.
2. On the main screen you’ll see your Account details. Click on Manage My Files
3. In here are two sections – My Files, and Undelete – the first of which shows you everything currently synced to your PC. Check through the drop down menus to ensure that all of your files are ticked, which means they are on your PC.
4. Click on the Undelete tab and check that there are no files listed that you might want. If there are you can restore them by clicking the tickbox next to each file or folder and then clicking Save.
5. Go back to the Account page and select Move My Copy Folder. This will open up File Explorer, allowing you to select whichever location you want to be the new home for your files. If you have another cloud service installed, say OneDrive or Google Drive, then placing the files in these folders will make the transition between the two pretty much seamless.
6. The last thing to do is uninstall the Copy Desktop App, as this now reverts the Copy folder you moved into a standard folder instead.
How to move your files from to another cloud service: Which service should I switch to?
Depending on the platforms you use and amount of storage required, there are a wealth of options available. There are the old stalwarts of
Microsoft OneDrive,
Google Drive, plus
Dropbox, and
Box. All offer free accounts with basic storage and a variety of larger capacities for small monthly fees.
With cloud services becoming an increasingly important part of digital life, you’ll also find less obvious solutions such as Tresorit, pCloud, Mega, SpiderOak and lots more, again all starting out with free accounts. Before you decide which route to go down we recommend that you read our up-to-date roundup of the
best cloud storages services, which outlines the pros and cons of each platform.
Some services, including
pCloud are now offering easy ways to move your files from Copy in just a couple of steps, and even free storage and features into the deal. With pCloud, for example, you can move your files in just two steps and you’ll get 20GB of free storage and a month’s subscription to the Crypto service.
First, head to and if you don’t already have an account create one. In the Backup from: section, you will see the option to start the migration process from Copy. You’ll need to authorise pCloud to access your Copy account when prompted, and files will be transferred with the minimum of hassle.