Finally, real retouching is possible from within Lightroom. Join Colin Smith, as he shows you how to use the new healing brush in Lightroom for some powerful retouching and clean up work.
Many people use Photoshop for retouching. For high end retouching and extensive work, this is still the way to go. However, you can accomplish a lot of retouching in Lightroom. That’s right, you heard correctly, Lightroom is capable of doing to pretty good, fast retouching. This is perfect for situations where you have a ton of photos, such as events and weddings. You can easily retouch blemishes, pimple, even wrinkles. Just make sure that you don’t overdo it and make the people look artificial or worse, unrecognizable.
A couple of quick rules of thumb for retouching people.
- If it doesn’t look like it was retouched, then you did your job well. It shouldn’t be obvious.
- Fix things that are temporary, acne, red eyes, dark bags, stray hairs, even whiten the teeth “a little bit”. Don’t remove things that are a permanent feature such as reshaping noses and bones.
Have fun with this, and if you want more in depth training on retouching, we have some awesome stuff here at photoshopCAFE.
See this training by Jane Conner-ziser for everyday portrait retouching:
Retouching Everyone | Skin Techniques | Advanced Techniques
For a more beauty/ Glamor style for editorial, catalog and magazine, see Kristina Sherk’s training:
Fashion Retouching
Thanks for reading!
See the full, free Lightroom 5 launch site at
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
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