Hard on the heels of a big Lightroom CC release, today marks the release of the next major update to Adobe Creative Cloud. 15 Adobe apps get major updates and new features. […]
Adobe has launched a brand new update to Photoshop CC. This major update in called Photoshop CC 2015 and includes a ton of new features covered in the Photoshop CC Learning […]
All new local adjustments with the new Filter Brushes in ACR 9, allow you to paint on or subtract from gradient and radial filters. From our Fully comprehensive Photoshop CC 2015 video […]
Crop marks are those things that you don’t realize you need until it’s too late usually. If you send a job off to the printers, or trim a printed piece, you will […]
Layers are at the heart of Photoshop. If you want to get good and fast at Photoshop, you really have to master the use of layers. (learn all about the basics of Layers […]
Here is a popular photoshop tutorial on creating lightning. I see so many tutorials that say they are going to teach you something and then they just drop in a photograph. Personally, I […]
I started a series of images I call Catzilla. The first one was a giant kitten destroying New York City. I decided to continue on this humorous theme of destructive cat […]
New in Photoshop CC 2015 release is the ability to merge bracketed photos together in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw). In the past, we have merged our photos in Photoshop using Merge to […]
Have you ever wondered what is the correct workflow for Lightroom Classic? Discover how to build a catalog, tag and sort images. Filter through and find the best photos quickly. Make them […]
DJI introduced the Intelligent flight modes for the Phantom 3 and the Inspire 1 in a recent firmware update. I took them out for a spin and show you how to use […]