5 Photoshop tips that are so useful, you’ll wish you knew them before. This week’s tutorial, is like 5 little baby tutorials. You are going to love these Photoshop hacks that show […]
Sky replacement is explained, so you know what every adjustment does, as well as how to refine and change anything. Even after you have applied the Sky Replacement filter. I have included […]
Signup here to receive notifications when we go live As well celebrate 50 weeks of LFL, Colin Smith brings you his very best Photoshop tutorials from his flagship training, Photoshop for Digital […]
Blurring the background of a photo is a great trick to reduce the clutter in a photo and also simulate a lens with a large aperture opening. This adds a shallow depth […]
One of the best kept secrets in Photoshop is Quick masks. It’s funny because this tool is so important that Adobe included it on the bottom of the tool bar. So why […]
47 responses to “Multiple open photos into a single image in Photoshop” You, sir, have just saved me a hell of a lot of time and effort. Neat trick and I wish […]
Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW have the ability to selectively mask areas of your images using Range Masks. There are 2 types of masks in Lightroom / ACR, luminosity masks and […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard Signup here to receive notifications when we go live This week Colin does a kitbash and composites photos into a digital Matte in Photoshop. Get all the free […]
Welcome to the best free resouce for learning Adobe Photoshop online. Based out of Southern California, we have been providing high Quality Photoshop tutorials for 20 years. We’re passionate about Photoshop and […]
How to copy the color grade from a movie and instantly apply it to your photos in Photoshop How to copy a movie color grade and apply it to any photo. Create […]