How to make a searchlight effect in Photoshop This is a fun tutorial, that shows you how to make a cool searchlight beam of light. Think the searchlight on batman and you […]
How to make a realistic Microphone in Photoshop This photoshop tutorial shows you how to make realistic looking microphone from scratch. Step 1 Create a new Document 600 x600 -rgb, transparent bg […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard How to make realistic rope in Photoshop Step 1 Create a new document. The size here is really important because it will determine the angle of the […]
How to make outline text in Photoshop Newer method for Photoshop CC here (JUST ADDED: See the bottom of this tutorial for a PSD and a layerstyle that works in Photoshop […]
This Tutorial has come about due to a few requests. This starts with a fairly simple object, and finally ends up with the orb Design. Take it step by step, and you […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard HDR Photography explained This is an HDR primer that explains exactly what HDR is and why you should use it in your photography. Have you wanted a simple […]
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a reflection in Photoshop. This is more of a graphic design trick that has been used a lot lately for things […]
Creative effects with Photos. In this tutorial, we are going to apply one of my favoriate effects to a photograph. This will soften it and add some nice color and contrast. It […]
Combining selections tools in Photoshop Is it possible to make a selection of this semi-complex shape in only 3 selections? Of course the answer is yes. Ok if you’ve given up, or […]
Fix photo contrast and color with eyedroppers in Photoshop There is a great way to correct dull photos in Photoshop using levels and the eyedroppers. This works really well for photos that […]