Twitter is a great way to connect with people, keep up on the latest news, and argue directly with high ranking political figures. But, it can be a vitriolic place at times, especially when things turn personal.
We show you how to keep the flame-wars at bay, by blocking people on Twitter.
If you’re worried about what your Twitter account reveals to the public, then you might also want to know
How to delete all tweets.
What does blocking a Twitter account do?
When you block someone it means they’ll not be able to follow you any more, and you’ll no longer follow them. The upshot of this is that direct messages are stopped and their comments will not appear in your feed. You might still see comments though, if other people you follow share them.
The person you block won’t know you’ve done so, unless they visit your profile.
How do I block a Twitter account on PC?
While Twitter is often seen as a mainly mobile platform, many people still use the desktop app or web version on their PC. If that’s your preference, then you’ll need to follow the steps below.
Go to the Twitter website and log into your account.
Next, click on the search bar in the upper right corner and enter the name of the account you want to block.
When the profile appears, click on the three dots icon on the right hand side, next to the Follow or Following button.
From the drop-down menu select the Block option. You’ll be asked if you’re sure. Click Block again and you’ll be free from any more messages that person intends to send.
How do I block a Twitter follower on iPhone or iPad?
Open the app and tap on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen.
Now, type in the name of the person you want to delete and select them from the list that appears.
On their profile page you’ll see a row of icons to the left of the Follow / Following button. Tap the Settings one on the right that looks like a gear or flower (depends on how you see the world).
From the list that appears, tap the Block option, then confirm your choice.
How do I block a Twitter follower on Android?
Open the app and tap on the magnifying glass icon that appears in the row of icons near the top of the page.
Next, type in the name of the person’s account you wish to block. Select their name from the list that appears.
On their profile page you’ll see an icon in the upper right corner that looks like three dots sitting on top of each other. Tap this then select the Block option. You’ll need to confirm your decision, but once you’ve done so you’ll be able to read your feed once more unencumbered by the thoughts of that particular person.
If you want more tips on how to get the most out of the social media platform then also take a look at our
How to use Twitter guide.