Phone screens keep getting larger, but the text displayed on them doesn’t seem to get any bigger. Here’s how to make the text bigger so you can read messages on your phone with ease.
(If you’re using an iPhone rather than Android
read this instead.)
Enlarge text in Android
All Android phones will support an option to increase the font size, though exactly where it is found in the Settings menu may differ if you’re using a phone with a custom version of Android installed. Our advice is based on a pure version of Android 9.0 Pie.
Launch the Settings menu, which will be accessible either via an app shortcut on your home screen or by pulling down the notification bar at the top of the screen and tapping the cog icon.
Scroll down to and click Display, then tap Advanced to view more options.
You should find an entry here called Font size, and it will be set to the default. Tap this option and use the sliding scale to adjust exactly how large you need the text to be. You’ll be able to see a preview above.
Enlarge display features in Android
You can also increase the size of display features in Android, so it’s not just the text that gets bigger but everything else around it.
You’ll find this option in the same menu: Settings > Display > Advanced > Display size. Again use the sliding scale at the bottom of the screen to adjust your view, which you can preview above.