How to get perfectly smooth edges on cutouts of people in Photoshop

Channel Based Cutouts.jpg

While there are many ways to extract an image from the background in Photoshop, each method has its place. Each image has its own unique challenges. I’ve made lots of different tutorials on cutting out images, from simple to complex backgrounds and using everything for the selections tools, to pen tool. The truth is, most of the time, a combination of techniques will get you the best result, which is why I made a course that goes in depth with selections to tackle any cut out task. In this tutorial we are looking at how to get clean and smooth edges with a simple background. This is a common setup for a composite, shooting the elements to build a photo composite/collage. One of the things I’ve noticed with a lot of cut out techniques, is that the limbs, are and legs tend to get ragged edges.  This tutorial will show you how to fix that and get smooth limbs. As a side note, this works really good on hair too.