We’ve previously covered some of the
best Kodi add-ons, and the best Kodi builds are those that take several of those add-ons and package them up. The Beast is a popular Kodi build, often sold preinstalled on Android TV boxes, that in essence packages up a load of streaming services. Here we’ll show you how to install The Beast or The Beast Encore on Kodi using Spartan Wizard. Also see:
How to update Kodi and
Is Kodi legal?
You’re best off installing The Beast on a clean version of Kodi, though it is possible to use a previously configured version. Here’s how to get started with The Beast.
Neither PC Advisor or Kodi advocates or encourages piracy. You should use Kodi, its add-ons and our advice only to access content for which you have the legal rights.
How to install The Beast on Kodi
Install Kodi. We’re using an Android tablet, but Kodi is a free app for most platforms, including devices like the
Amazon Fire TV.
2. There are various methods for installing The Beast; we are using Spartan Wizard, which provides both The Beast and Encore. Encore is a slightly slimmer version of the software.
3. You will first need to register for a free account at
Spartan Pixel. Click log in, enter your details, then press the ‘Verify Here’ button. Keep a note of these details for step 9.
4. Now launch Kodi, and go to System, File Manager. Click Add source in the left panel.
5. Tap on the ‘None’; field and enter http://spartanpixel.net/repo. It will come up with the name ‘repo’, but really you can call it whatever you want. Hit Done, then Ok.
6. Now go to System, Settings, Add-ons, Install from zip file. Double-click repo and click Install This Wizard.zip.
7. A pop-up will confirm The Spartan Wizard add-on has been enabled.
8. In System, Settings, Add-ons, My add-ons, Video add-ons choose The Spartan Wizard.
9. Tap Configure, then enter your email address and password. Tap on Done.
10. Hit Open, then select either The Beast or Encore to begin downloading and installing the build.
11. Amazon and Android devices will need to be restarted, but once you’re back up and running you should have a fully operational build of The Beast or Encore on Kodi.
12. If you open Kodi and see the same default Kodi interface as we did on our Android tablet, go to System, Settings, Add-ons, Appearance, Skins and choose Aeon Nox.
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How to use Cartoon HD.