Sometimes people say things on Facebook that make you want to stop seeing their words for a while. This is possible through the Block option, which instantly removes them from your online life. You can read how to do this in our
How to block people on Facebook guide.
But, if you decide that you may have been too hasty or that the person has learned their lesson, then it might be time to let them out of the naughty corner. Here’s how to unblock someone on Facebook so that you can chat once more.
How do I find a blocked person on Facebook?
If you’re using the web version of Facebook on your PC, then these are the steps to take when unlocking someone.
Open a browser tab, go to Facebook and log in to your account. Next click on the down arrow at the far right of the top line (to the right of the messages and notifications buttons) and select Settings from the drop-down menu.

On the next page, look in the left-hand column for the Blocking option, which you’ll find in the section with Privacy at the top. Click on Blocking.

You’ll now be presented with a number of sections in the main panel. The one you want is entitled Block users. In here should be a list of everyone currently on your blocked list. Find the person you want to reinstate then click the Unblock option to the right of their name.

Facebook then asks if you to confirm the unblocking. It also outlines all of the parts of your feed that the person will be able to access. If you’re happy with all of this, click Confirm.
Finally, you may need to re-friend the person in question, as Facebook automatically unfriends them from your account when you block them. To do this, simply search for their profile and send another friend request.
Unblocking someone on the Android app
If you prefer your Android phone for Facebook duties, then it’s just as easy to unblock someone by using the app. Simply launch it, tap on the three lines in the top right corner, and tap Settings & Privacy.

Next, tap Settings then scroll down until you find the section marked Privacy. In here you’ll see the Blocking option.

Tap this, find the person you wish to reinstate, then tap the Unblock option and repeat this when the dialog box appears.

Lastly, you’ll need to send a friend request to them as Facebook will automatically have unfriended you when you chose to block them.
Unblocking someone on the iOS app
The way to unblock someone on the iOS app is practically identical to the steps listed above for Android. The only difference is that the three-line menu option appears in the bottom right of the screen rather than the top right. After that, you just need to tap on Settings & Privacy>Settings>Blocking>Unblock>Unblock, then remember to send a friend request to the person once more.