Classic PC adventure games such as The Curse of Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion are nearly impossible to play on modern computers because they were developed in LucasArts’ SCUMM (Script Creation Utility […]
The legendary Mechwarrior series, in summary: great big robots stomping about, shooting each other with heavy weaponry. What’s not to like? While the past few years have seen a marked lack of […]
Keyboard and mouse, or console gamepad? That question has plagued first-person-shooter enthusiasts since time immemorial–or at least, since consoles started supplanting the PC as a viable choice for first-person shooters. Since Counter-Strike: […]
Yes, everyone has played Final Fantasy VII by now. Everyone has loved it and left it–but never really left it, judging from the countless fans still clamoring for a high-definition remake of […]
Now that the Fallout series has finally gotten the 3D treatment it deserves, I no longer feel a sworn duty to sing the praises of the original Fallout games to those folks […]
Playing games on your PC is fantastic if you have the right hardware. Sure, playing console games on a big-screen HDTV is convenient when you have a group of friends gaming together, […]
Have you ever looked at someone’s iPhone home screen, and noticed that it has five icons in the dock? Or maybe you’ve seen a classic console emulator running on an iPad? Don’t […]
Many PC gamers eagerly await the release of next-generation graphics cards, hoping that the new hardware will boost frame rates and enhance eye candy in the latest games. However, while a graphics […]
Kids often venture onto the Web in search of games to play, not realizing that some game sites are home to malware and other security threats. And, let’s face it, not all […]
Are you a gamer with a big electricity bill every month? Are you looking to build a great gaming PC that doesn’t sound like a jet engine every time you start playing […]