Most of us have some rather sensitive files on our PCs. Whether it’s our tax returns, financial records, password lists (seriously, just use a password manager already), or just files you don’t […]
Device encryption is a security feature that Microsoft often quietly enables during Windows 11 setup. Sign in with a Microsoft account on a PC with compatible hardware, and the deed is (usually) […]
As helpful as password managers are, many have a surprisingly lax attitude toward the information you copy from them. Load up the password for your most sensitive account and that info will […]
In the grand scheme of potential privacy concerns, email privacy is perhaps the most personal. Getting unwanted messages in your inbox can feel like a major breach of trust, and knowing senders […]
The siren has sung and you’ve finally succumbed to her call: You’re the proud owner of a shiny new PC, a faster SSD, or a bigger hard drive. It’s time to sell […]
A tiny BIOS chip lurks inside every computer, sitting on your motherboard to breathe life into your system when you press the power button. It not only powers your PC, but helps […]
The fact that you and everyone you know will receive spam and scam emails (and texts) for as long as they live should be added to the famous Ben Franklin quote, “… […]
Microsoft has made a big deal about the increased security in Windows 11. According to Microsoft, the surprisingly high system requirements that prevented many users with even fairly new computers from installing […]
The browser is the most commonly used program, and there are many ways to increase your security while you surf the Internet. Here we have collected the most important tips for staying […]
What you should back up depends on how you use your PC. As a rule, a regular backup of the home directories is sufficient. This protects against data loss—for example, if an […]