There’s a difference between unknown and private numbers. Usually, a number is displayed rather than a name if the caller isn’t in your list of contacts. With private numbers, the caller’s number […]
If you are anything like me you probably ignore the vast clutter of notifications that gather at the top of your Android phone– or Android tablet’s display. Even those that live on […]
So you’re having a phone call with someone but they’re particularly quiet and it’s not a bad connection either, it’s your phone. Here’s how to increase in-call volume in iOS, Android and […]
How to switch off notifications in Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger is the somewhat useful, if at least partially controversial, messaging app from Facebook. It is a means of text messaging groups and […]
If you’re like us, you use your phone as a replacement PC, camera, gaming device, sat nav, iPod and more. Smartphones are tasked with storing your photos, music, contacts, calendars, emails, and […]
With the release of Windows 10 drawing ever closer, it won’t be long now until you can try out the new Universal apps across all their devices. We’ve had a play with […]
It’s fair to say that Microsoft made some bad choices in Windows 8, paramount of which was the touch optimised interface. Forcing this strange and clunky method of control on the user […]
Since introducing Material Design in 2014 with the release of Android 5.0, or Lollipop as it’s better known, Google has been slowly incorporating this new style into elements of the Chrome browser […]
Before you start Viber is fully optimized for use on Android and Windows 8 tablets as well as iPad devices so you’re not restricted to using it on your phone. Here’s how […]
As you probably know the OnePlus 2 is set to launch next week and the firm is touting it as the world’s first product launch in VR. We’ve got all the details including […]