Singing out of twitter on Android smartphones and tablets is actually really easy, it’s just a case of know where to look for the sign out button. Here’s where we show you […]
How to watch the Nokia X Android launch event from MWC 2014. Follow Nokia’s Android phone launch from Barcelona. Tomorrow morning from the MWC show in Barcelona, Nokia is set to reveal […]
XBMC started life as a semi-hack of the original Xbox to allow its users to play videos and music through the Microsoft gaming console. Since then its functionality and – in turn […]
In the same way in which Google keeps track of apps you download, it also keeps a record of all your Android devices. This can get confusing so here’s to delete Android […]
Here’s what to do if your iPhone‘s messaging app has stopped showing the names of people who message you, instead showing only their phone numbers. No-one knows anyone else’s phone number these […]
Soon Facebook will start playing autoplaying videos, both from advertisers and your friends. While this may undoubtably be annoying to many, it could also take up a significant chuck of your monthly […]
If you’ve got an old pair of speakers lying around, they needn’t sit gathering dust so put them to good use. Here’s how to turn any speakers into a wireless streaming system. […]
It has emerged that the HTC One M8 has a high performance mode which users can access via a hidden menu of developer options. So we’ve written this guide on how to […]
How to save Instagram photos on a laptop or PC. There are multiple ways to back up your Instagram photos on a PC or laptop, here’s where we list a few of […]
If an app update has annoyed you because of changes to the interface, removed certain features or is full of bugs, you probably want to go back to the previous version. Here […]