Both Photoshop and Lightroom have their place in the photographer’s toolkit. As you are aware, PhotoshopCAFE has a ton of resources for photoshop. What is not so well-known, it that we also have a lot of Lightroom resources including a 13 hour video course that has won the PPA hot one award for the best DVD of the year 2 times! (Now its a download). Don’t forget to check out the newly added Lightroom category in the Tutorials as we add more resources to help you learn and master Lightroom.
So what is this page all about? This is where the collision happens between Lightroom and Photoshop. When do you use each? If you know one application and not the other. This is also where Photoshop and Lightroom Integration come together. Enjoy these free resources and be sure to let us know what you like and what you would like to see in the comments at the bottom of this page.
What is the difference between Lightroom and Bridge?
If you already use Bridge and Camera RAW, you can do everything that Lightroom does, right?
You will find that Lightroom is a big time-saver when it comes to working with multiple images. It’s your personal librarian and darkroom in one. In this video Colin shows you how to organize multiple images, no matter where they are located using Catalogs, Collections, filtering and more. Learn about different ways of viewing images in Lightroom including, Grid, Survey, Comparison and multi-monitor views.
What am I missing? Photoshop for Lightroom users
Learn how to create reusable layered templates, discover non-destructive layers and masks. Make time lapse sequences, do sky replacements and other compositing tricks. Find out the power of using pressure sensitive brushes and more in Photoshop in Colin’s whirl-wind tour of the creative side of Photoshop.
Lightroom for Photoshop Users
Some really great tools are here for working on your photographs. Learn how to have the freedom to experiment with virtual copies and presets. Share your images easily with export presets and built in social media sharing tools.
If you are a Photoshop User and have been considering using Lightroom, this tutorial will teach you the basics to get you up and running quickly, as well as why you would need Lightroom in your workflow
Lightroom Crash Course in 15 Minutes
Have you ever wondered what is the correct workflow for Lightroom? Discover how to build a catalog, tag and sort images. Filter through and find the best photos quickly. Make them look amazing and then duplicate those settings to a whole bunch of photos in a couple of clicks. All this in 15 minutes, from a real photo shoot in RAW, not staged stock images.
Photoshop and Lightroom Integration
Watch this video to discover how to best work between Photoshop and Lightroom. Find out how to keep your Lightroom adjustments fully accessible from Camera Raw. We will take an image from Lightroom, to Photoshop, Camera Raw, back to Photoshop, back to Lightroom and then apply some automated adjustments based on what we have done.
When you are ready to really learn Lightroom, check out this award winning a-z training.
Best Lightroom training of the year, 3 years running from PPA. This is the 2023 version of that series.
Get your free presets pack
You can download some free goodies, get the actions pack and the free ebook at
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
You can get my free Layer Blending modes ebook along with dozens of exclusive Photoshop Goodies here