Step 1
Create a new RGB Image of you desired size.
In the channels panel click on new Channel. It will become alpha 1.

Step 2
Press “D” To reset the foreground and background colors. Filter>Render>Clouds
Step 3
This is what you will see in alpha 1.
Still in the Channels panel, click on the RGB thumbnail.
Step 4
Switch to the layers panel
I have found that filling with 50% gray helps produce a more even rock texture.
Press Shift+Delete (Shift+Backspace on Mac) for the fill dialog. Choose 50% gray for contents. (For a more metallic effect, leave white instead of changing to gray)
Step 5
Filter>Render>Lighting effects.
You will need to experiment with some settings, but here are the essentials
Set light to Infinite
Select Alpha 1 from texture
Choose something for the color, in this case an orange.
Change the height to get more or less texture.
Grab the on-screen widget and drag around for different angles and intensity.
Click ok
Step 6
Instant rock.
Step 7
For some variation: Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer
Reduce the saturation for an interesting look
Or turn on the colorize option and try something more colorful
As always, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Also. let me know what kinds of tutorials you would like to see in the future.
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
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