It’s highly likely that you’ve changed your phone’s ringtone at some point. It’s particularly easy on Android devices – just head to Settings – Sound and you’ll find the option (where this […]
Webcams are difficult to get from Amazon and other online retailers amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, which isn’t great for the millions of people worldwide that are currently working from home and in […]
Having notifications popping up when your Android phone is locked can be quite useful if you’re waiting for a message or have forgotten an appointment. But, on other occasions, maybe when you’re […]
Having videos blare into life when you’re scrolling through your feed on a social media site or when you click on a web page can be annoying and, in some cases, reveal […]
VPNs are a reliable and affordable way to protect yourself from digital snoopers, as well as accessing forms of entertainment or websites which are unavailable in your country. On an Android phone, […]
Apple’s latest iPhones may rely on facial recognition technology (Face ID) instead of a fingerprint sensor, but most Android smartphones also have similar capabilities. We show you how to find the face […]
Being able to copy and paste text is a basic function of computers that has been around for decades. As you would hope, the feature is also available your phone and tablet, […]
Long gone are the days of little notebooks with phone numbers carefully scribbled inside. In these digital times it’s far more likely that the entirety of your friends’ and family’s details are […]
There are any number of reasons why you might want to keep some of the files on your Android device secret. Preventing the likes of WhatsApp and other apps from bringing them […]