So, you’ve got a new Android phone and want to get your voicemail up and running. Or maybe you’ve had one for a while and never gotten around to recording the message […]
If you’ve got a new Android phone and want to make sure that all the data from your old one can transition across, it’s probably easier than you think. You shouldn’t have […]
Whether you want to capture a tutorial for your YouTube channel, document a gameplay session or troubleshoot a technical issue, screen recording on your smartphone can be a powerful and useful tool. […]
Changing from an old device to a new one often involves the need to transfer important data between them. This is especially true if they use a different operating system, which is […]
Google’s AI-powered photo editing tools can make any image instantly look much better by removing photobombers, improving the light source, or unblurring faces with just a few taps. Up until now, it’s […]
The more you rely on a smartphone, the more alarming it is to think about losing it. And most of us rely heavily on our phones. But if you’ve prepared ahead by […]
We’ve all locked ourselves out of our phones at some point, but don’t worry, there are various things you can do to get back in without losing your sanity or data. We […]
Most apps can be used in both portrait and landscape mode, allowing you to view content horizontally or vertically. That’s why knowing how to rotate the screen on your Android phone or […]
Having an advanced recording device in your pocket can be very handy indeed. If you’re someone who likes to quickly capture ideas as they come to you, but don’t want the hassle […]
Although we’re still a way off the official release of Android 15, developers (and curious tech fans) do have a means of getting access to the pre-release beta version of Android 15, […]