Creative effects with Photos. In this tutorial, we are going to apply one of my favoriate effects to a photograph. This will soften it and add some nice color and contrast. It […]
Hope you enjoy this tutorial, specialy written for by raul bermudez ,elemento.1 Step 1 First start by creating a new document. I will recommend at least 1000×1000. Create a black background, […]
In this photoshop tutorial, we will learn how to create a realistic water reflection to a photograph in Photoshop. If you want to create a reflection on graphics or text, see this tutorial instead. […]
Actions for Google Assistant is an actual thing, but not a well known thing because it’s complicated and aimed at devs. In essence, Actions let you extend the Google Assistant’s functionality by […]
Learn how to build reusable presets in Adobe Camera Raw. In this tutorial you will learn all about presets in Camera Raw. How to make adjustments reusable so that you can automate […]
Here is a popular photoshop tutorial on creating lightning. I see so many tutorials that say they are going to teach you something and then they just drop in a photograph. Personally, I […]
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a cool mirrored effect that looks like something you would see on a record cover, or movie poster. This tutorial also […]
In this Photoshop tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create the title to Star Wars. We are going to make the perspective text and actually animate it, so that it […]
How to create seamless panoramas in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and fix the edges with Boundary warp, new feature added in Lightroom CC 2015.4 Lightroom has been my weapon of choice for making seamless […]
A popular coloring effect is the split tone. This can be used to create many vintage film looks that people love. Here is an easy Lightroom tutorial, for you to make this […]