If you watch as much YouTube as I do, you’ve no doubt been inundated with AI in the last year or so. AI-generated thumbnails, AI-generated voiceovers, even full-on AI-generated video is now […]
Major Windows 10 updates always mean hours of downloading dozens of gigabytes for every PC you own. That could all change after the Windows 10 Creators Update launches in April—if you take […]
One of the standard ways to free up storage space on a PC is to delete temporary files, empty the recycle bin, and maybe dump the contents of the downloads folder. The […]
Windows 10 on PCs has always been influenced by mobile, and the newly released Creators Update is no different. This time around the latest update adds a particularly helpful feature from mobile: […]
The Windows 10 Creators Update has a new feature that’s supposed to be easier on the eyes and help you fall asleep after a long night of web surfing. It’s called Night […]
If there’s one thing Microsoft loves to do, it’s play around with the Start menu in Windows 10. The Creators Update is no different with Microsoft adding an interesting new setting for […]
If you’re looking to pretty up the look of your desktop, there are just under 175 preset themes available in the Windows Store in the Windows 10 Creators Update at this writing—but […]
When the siren songs of Facebook, Twitter, and [insert your favorite site here] are calling, it can be hard to focus on the task at hand. A popular way to enforce focus […]
The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update launched on October 17, stuffed with all sorts of cool new features. That doesn’t mean you’ll get it immediately. Microsoft rolls out big updates in waves. […]
How can I type emoji on my PC keyboard? It’s a question that you’ve probably asked, given up on, shrugged, and then pulled out your smartphone. Now, with Windows 10 and the […]