How much time do you spend listening to Spotify every day? If the answer is “a lot” you might also be churning through your phone plan’s data allowance faster than you’d like. […]
Google Chrome remains the biggest and baddest browser around, and Microsoft has been struggling to claw out more market share in the browser space with its Chromium-based Edge. That’s why the company […]
There’s no denying that ChatGPT and other AI chatbots make impressive chat companions that can converse with you on just about anything. Their conversational powers can be extremely convincing too; if they’ve […]
Unless you’re on an unlimited data plan, it’s quite possible you’ll burn through your monthly allowance of mobile data without even realising it. Scrolling through TikTok videos, watching YouTube or Netflix or […]
If Windows 11 no longer works properly, you can reset the operating system, download the installation files from the Microsoft cloud, and reinstall Windows 11. You can also restore your data in […]
Tech giant Google announced on Friday that it has released the latest version of its ChromeOS operating system (Version M131) to the public. One of the biggest bits of news in this […]
In September 2018, it came to light that hackers had breached Facebook and gained access to data on over 50 million Facebook accounts. Around 3 million of those affected accounts were based […]
The days of walling off the outside world to protect your network are quickly going the way of the Dodo. Thanks to the extraordinary growth of remote workforces, the adoption of cloud-based […]
Major Windows 10 updates always mean hours of downloading dozens of gigabytes for every PC you own. That could all change after the Windows 10 Creators Update launches in April—if you take […]
If you’ve got a new Android phone and want to make sure that all the data from your old one can transition across, it’s probably easier than you think. You shouldn’t have […]