If you are anything like me you probably ignore the vast clutter of notifications that gather at the top of your Android phone– or Android tablet’s display. Even those that live on […]
When Google gave its Gmail service an overhaul in 2018, the company took the opportunity to add some new features to the web and Android versions of the app. These include being […]
Discord started off as just a chatroom with voice chat features, but it has since grown into the de facto communication and community building tool for gamers, games, and organizations. The company […]
One of the more annoying things about Windows 11 is that the operating system displays ads in the Start menu for promoted apps and services from the Microsoft Store. The good news […]
It’s true that emergency warnings from the government are things that we should take very seriously. But, there are occasions when we don’t want messages suddenly appearing on our Android phones. This […]
Killing Cortana isn’t as easy as it used to be. When Windows 10 first released, turning off Cortana was as simple as flipping a switch in the digital assistant’s settings, but Microsoft […]
An up-to-date PC is less vulnerable to attack, so Windows automatic updates are generally a good thing. But sometimes an update will make things worse, rendering a PC problematic, or even unusable […]
Got a minute to spare? Let’s add some extra pep to your Windows PC by preventing it from launching unnecessary apps at startup. Slimming down your startup process will of course lead […]
Windows is packed with settings, many of which are enabled by default but shouldn’t be. Some raise privacy concerns, others hurt performance, and a few are just annoying. Here’s my list of […]