Dodging and burning has been around a long time. It was used in the darkroom by photographers to shape a photo. They would cup their hands in front of an enlarger to […]
Here is my entire workflow for editing photos in Lightroom. We take a photograph from start to finish. You will learn a lot in a short time! This is the ultimate Lightroom […]
Dodge and Burn Tutorial, Paint with light and shadow to add 3 dimensional depth to your photographs. (and digital art) Dodge and Burn is the art of selectively lightening, or darkening portions […]
PhotoshopCAFE livestream with Colin Smith, How to add a spotlight effect and make a night scene. How to dodge and burn for depth in Photoshop, lots of tips and tricks and weekly […]
Show detail in shadows and highlights selectively in Photoshop with Reverse Dodge and Burn tutorial. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to remove the shadows exactly where you need them and […]
Advanced tutorial for Photoshop Adjustment Brush, Dodge and Burn To dodge and burn is to paint with light and shadow. By doing this, we can add depth to photos. We can also […]