Step 1 Have you ever seen the movie Predator? There is a part when you look through his eyes and everything is infra-red looking. While I am on the science type effects, […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard Step 1 Create text on new layer 1. and rasterize – PC right click on name in layers pallette/Mac-Cmd Click >rasterize Step 2 Make new layer 2. and […]
Creative effects with Photos. In this tutorial, we are going to apply one of my favoriate effects to a photograph. This will soften it and add some nice color and contrast. It […]
Step 1 The first thing you do is start with a photo. Choose the eliptical marquee tool from the toolbox. Make a selection on the photo, as shown. Tip: Hold the space […]
The Trendy Colorizing Effect Step 1 This is an effect that I have seen used in different ways. It seems to have evolved into a low contrast version, which I have […]
This tutorial teaches you how to take a photograph and make it look like a miniature model in photoshop instead of reality. Here you can see a Photograph that I shot with […]
Film Noir (literally ‘black film or cinema’) was coined by French film critics (first by Nino Frank in 1946) who noticed the trend of how ‘dark’, downbeat and black the looks and themes […]
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a realistic spotlight in Photoshop. I have included two version of it for you. Watch the video and then scroll down and read […]
The photoshop dispersion effect, splatter effect, shatter effect, whatever you want to call it is a very popular technique to use on photographs, particularly those with movement. Since this is such a popular […]
I started a series of images I call Catzilla. The first one was a giant kitten destroying New York City. I decided to continue on this humorous theme of destructive cat […]