There are always lots of different ways of doing things in Photoshop. Here is great tip that you can use when applying effects and working with Smart Filters.As a bonus, you […]
Vintage Photo processing looks, how to make them in Photoshop This Photoshop tutorial will introduce you to 4 processing techniques that were historically used in processing photos. You will learn where these […]
Making animated Rain in Adobe Photoshop CC Who says you can’t control the weather? Let’s make it rain in Photoshop. I will now walk you through the steps for creating realistic, animated […]
In this live stream, Colin Smith shows you a number of quick fire effects to make an image look better. Learn the sure fire trick to make any photo look better, how […]
Get ready to relight your photos in Photoshop. I’m amazed at how many people tell me they have never heard of the really powerful LIGHTING EFFECTS filter. In this Photoshop Tutorial we […]
In this tutorial we are going to make a beautiful golden hour, like you would see at sunrise or sunset. You can apply this technique to any photo. You can use an […]
Learn how to create Special effects for your photos, from sunsets, spotlights and more, you will get a good workout with Layer Masks in this weeks episode. WHAT IS LIVE FROM LOCKDOWN? […]
One of the best kept secrets in Photoshop is Quick masks. It’s funny because this tool is so important that Adobe included it on the bottom of the tool bar. So why […]
Photoshop version 22.4.2 is the June 2021 update and it contains some powerful new features. The neural filters have some additions. Depth Blur is new and colorize has been completely reimagined. Colorize […]