While there is a huge selection of excellent games available for Android phones and tablet, as you can see in our list of the best Android games of all time, it’s also possible […]
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Fifteen years ago, there was something of a competition between two SNES emulators: ZSNES and SNES9x. ZSNES was a bit faster, and SNES9x a bit more […]
The Nintendo Game Boy. As in the case of NES emulation, you’re unlikely to find a Game Boy emulator that doesn’t run well, if perhaps a little rough around the edges. Fortunately, […]
The Sega Genesis. By far your best bet for emulating any pre-Saturn Sega console is Kega Fusion, so-named because it contains a Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, and 32X emulator all in […]
The Sega Saturn. Sega Saturn emulation is a mess. For years, the only way to accomplish it was through a butchered (and thoroughly illegal) repackaging of Sega’s own commercial emulation software, which […]
The Sony PlayStation. PlayStation emulation tends to be all over the place, and you may think that you’re screwing it up, but it works perfectly well when all is said and done. […]
The Nintendo 64. N64 emulation is a particularly odd duck. The creator of the only emulator that is still being actively developed asks users for a $20 donation in return for their […]
The Sega Dreamcast. Dreamcast emulation is, sadly, a bit like the console itself: bright, shiny, full of potential, and somewhat abortive. Only two successful emulators have ever emerged, and only one has […]
The Sony PlayStation 2. PCSX 2 is the only PS2 emulator around, and it’s quite a masterpiece, despite being a bit of a bear to configure. You can download PCSX2 from its […]
The Nintendo DS. Emulating the Nintendo DS on your PC is extremely simple–alarmingly so for hardware that’s still very commercially successful. All you need to do is grab the oddly named DeSmuME […]