Man, there seem to be a lot of high-profile issues with the Chrome browser lately. Google issued an update yesterday with a security patch for an “in the wild” bug that exploits […]
Hackers aren’t just nerds rapidly typing away in dimly lit rooms, as seen in the movies. More and more threats are coming from what are known as “state-level hackers,” who are teams […]
There’s an old Harry James song I’ve heard before — it’s called “I’ve Heard That Song Before” — and lately it comes to mind whenever I hear that I need to update […]
There are errors (bugs) and security vulnerabilities in the code of almost all software. The more extensive the code, the more there are. Many of these security flaws are discovered over time […]
Windows has come a long way from its wild west days, with multiple protections that guard against dangerous software. But attackers constantly try to evade those defenses—and recently succeeded with a 7-Zip […]