You’ll get a choice of watch faces for your Android Wear smartwatch, but if none fit your exact needs it’s really easy to create your own using a simple app. 1. Download […]
Face Tagging. Lightroom now has the ability to sort photos based on the people in the photographs. Facial recognition is used to identify that its a face and then who that face […]
If you are like most people, you have probably had some real fun with the liquify tool. It’s actually a very useful tool when it comes to retouching. The Liquify in photoshop […]
In this tutorial, you will learn how to retouch a portrait in Photoshop. The purpose of this tutorial is to give you a high level overview of the different steps and how to […]
54 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard Professional High End Retouching techniques in Photoshop. This Photoshop tutorial shows you how to retouch a face in a natural looking way while using best practices. You will […]
Apple’s latest iPhones may rely on facial recognition technology (Face ID) instead of a fingerprint sensor, but most Android smartphones also have similar capabilities. We show you how to find the face […]
This weeks live from lockdown: How to change the color of anything in photoshop. how to do focus stacking and the amazing face aware liquify. WHAT IS LIVE FROM LOCKDOWN? Each week […]
With the latest drop of Lightroom and the new texture slider, we have the toolset we need to completely retouch a person in Lightroom (or Camera RAW). Camera RAW shares the adjustment […]
Apple’s Face ID technology was a gamechanger when it first launched on the iPhone X, providing consumers with a secure way to unlock their smartphones without the need to do anything apart […]
I’m going to show you how to remove a shadow from a face inside of Photoshop. Look at this photo and you can see the light coming through the chains and it makes […]