Snapchat has quickly become one of the most popular photo messaging services on Android and iOS. You can barely move these days for images of people vomiting rainbows or being adorned with […]
Working with Smart Objects and Smart Filters in Photoshop. (How do Smart Objects Work in Photoshop? and 7 tips here) In Photoshop CS2 something called Smart Objects were introduced. These new types […]
Check out Magic Light from Tim Cooper Covers Everything from Shooting, using on-camera filters, understanding light, and extra shooting tips. Also covers some basic post production, photo fusion and HDR techniques for […]
One of the key camera upgrades in the Google Pixel 6 was the introduction of Real Tone image technology, with the aim of providing more natural and accurate skin tones in images. […]
41 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard How to use the Neural Filters in Photoshop 2021 Photoshop has amped up the Artificial intelligence and a suite of AI powered Neural filters are here. Learn how […]
WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps globally, allowing users to text, share media, and make voice or video calls. For video call users, WhatsApp recently introduced a much-awaited […]
Parametric Filters in Photoshop open up a new world. First, these filters can easily be made in Substance Designer and imported into Photoshop. Many parameters can be changed (hence the name Parametric). […]
Adobe Photoshop’s huge selection of Artistic Filters can’t possibly be covered in one story, but we can show you some of our favorites to help you get started. The real fun starts […]