It’s happened. It’s finally happened. After years of pleas, begging, and cajoling from PC gamers, Valve has at long last added the ability to hide games in your Steam library in a […]
In early 2016, I rid the Windows 10 Start menu of Live Tiles on my PC. Live tiles just weren’t that useful to me, or at least I didn’t see a reason to keep […]
After starting as a niche beloved only by the most hardcore geeks and gamers, broadcasting video games has finally hit the mainstream—so mainstream, in fact, that it’s now baked directly into Windows […]
If you’re a PC gamer there’s a good chance a large portion of your game collection is housed in Steam. And while Valve’s desktop game launcher/retail storefront/social network amalgamation is a great […]
You’ve spent days, months building the perfect gaming den. Kick-ass PC: check. Perfect desk: in place. Supreme gaming chair: acquired. Fridge full o’ grog: brimming. There’s no better environment for gaming glory. […]
Not so long ago there was pretty much one way to interact with a video game: You sat down and played it. Maybe you watched an older friend or sibling play while […]
I’m old enough to remember when consoles were getting seriously powerful and people were starting to wonder if PC gaming’s days were numbered. Turns out, no. Far from it. According to a […]
Do you need a faster graphics card? Only if your games aren’t running as smoothly as you’d like. Fortunately, Steam includes a feature that displays the current frame rate of the game […]
We’ve become used to thinking of Chromebooks as simple productivity machines: a web interface for classwork, online productivity apps, and not much else. But there are many ways to game on a […]
No matter what the occasion, a new video game always makes a great gift. Luckily, you can gift games to other people directly from the Steam storefront, just as long as you’re […]