If you use Google Now to initiate phone calls or send texts, adding nicknames to your Google contacts can make the process feel more natural. Here’s how to add nicknames to Android. […]
Most people on the internet use the Chrome browser, and most Americans are using ad blockers. And even though advertising puts food on my table, I can’t blame them — because I […]
One of the best features of Android is the ability to change almost anything about the look and feel of the operating system. Messaging apps, email, browsers, themes, default apps, even the […]
Google has updated its Translate app to work in any app. Here’s how to translate language in Android for free – how to use Google Translate in any app. You might also […]
It pays to be as security-conscious as possible with online accounts. Here we show you how to get started with new Google safety measures to protect your email and documents. Millions of […]
We all take our phones on holiday, but most of us have to pay for mobile data abroad. Phones are great for navigating thanks to their GPS, but map data can soon […]
Google has recently released its new video calling app Duo, which takes on the likes of Facetime, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Viber, and a host of others. So what does Duo bring to […]
Google just started rolling out an all-in-one app called Google Essentials for Windows, which is meant to be a convenient way to discover and install the most prominent Google apps. For now, […]
Google has released its newest messaging app, Allo. But with offerings like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Skype, not to mention Google’s own Hangouts, already crowding the chat arena, what does Allo bring […]
Recognise this? That’s the Google Search bar, and on some Android phones it is set to appear at the top of every home screen, taking up room you’d rather give to app […]