It has emerged that the HTC One M8 has a high performance mode which users can access via a hidden menu of developer options. So we’ve written this guide on how to […]
It is now possible to create stunning HDR images entirely in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6/CC. I am a long time HDR shooter and have produced one of the most popular free HDR and […]
How to use High Pass sharpen in Photoshop. The best way to selectively sharpen photos in Photoshop. This tutorial shows a non destructive way to sharpen photos using the high pass mask […]
Enhancing space photos from the James Webb Telescope This week is a big week for science and photography. NASA has unveiled the very first images from the new Space Telescope that can […]
There’s a growing trend of developers flexing their muscles to make PDF documents do completely different things than what they’re intended to do. The goal is to push the boundaries of the […]
How to automate high resolution in Adobe Generative Fill in Photoshop with actions. The best Generative Fill hack Download the action here ( Please note, if you are already signed up for our […]