There are a number of tasks that can be done in photoshop that Lightroom can’t do. I’m not talking about Panoramas and HDR anymore, because they can now be done in […]
Both Photoshop and Lightroom have their place in the photographer’s toolkit. As you are aware, PhotoshopCAFE has a ton of resources for photoshop. What is not so well-known, it that we also […]
By Colin Smith It’s been a while since the release of Lightroom 5. Almost 2 years in fact (June 10, 2013). If you include the public beta period, its almost exactly 2 […]
It is now possible to create stunning HDR images entirely in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6/CC. I am a long time HDR shooter and have produced one of the most popular free HDR and […]
Added in Lightroom 6 / CC is the ability to stitch panoramic photographs together from within Lightroom. This is a great way to create sweeping vistas and wide panoramic images. You can also […]
Have you ever wondered what is the correct workflow for Lightroom Classic? Discover how to build a catalog, tag and sort images. Filter through and find the best photos quickly. Make them […]
The only way to protect your images online is with a watermark. I have seen people set up complex right-click protection to prevent people lifting their images from the web browser. This […]
Face Tagging. Lightroom now has the ability to sort photos based on the people in the photographs. Facial recognition is used to identify that its a face and then who that face […]
How to create seamless panoramas in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and fix the edges with Boundary warp, new feature added in Lightroom CC 2015.4 Lightroom has been my weapon of choice for making seamless […]