Microsoft has released version 125 of the Microsoft Edge browser and it’s an intriguing one with more news than usual. One of the most interesting additions is a new slider that lets […]
Here’s how to set a limit to the amount of data your Android phone or tablet can use each month. This could save you money! (See all of our Android tutorials.) An […]
If you’re not subscribed to an unlimited mobile data contract, or aren’t always in range of a Wi-Fi connection, it’s easy to go over your monthly mobile data allowance and incur huge […]
If you’re a heavy user of Nvidia’s GeForce Now cloud gaming platform, you might want to make a note of its biggest new change. Starting in 2025, users (including those who pay […]
As a parent, one of the biggest struggles of modern times is managing what your child can do on their phone (or tablet) and restricting the amount of screen time they can […]
If you’re working from home, chances are you’ve let your kids sit down in front of the Xbox or a Windows PC…then you lost track of time, and they ended up playing […]