We all take our phones on holiday, but most of us have to pay for mobile data abroad. Phones are great for navigating thanks to their GPS, but map data can soon […]
This is the technique that will wrap your art around objects and (seemingly) magically make it hug every contour. I also have a variation of this tutorial here where I wrap text around a photo. Step […]
Last month, Google quietly killed off Google Sky Maps. But there’s still another way to virtually explore most of the solar system a la Google Maps: it’s called Google Maps in Space. […]
High end color grading made easy! Now you can apply a pro looking color tone to a photograph in seconds by using Gradient Maps in Photoshop. This tutorial shows you how. In […]
This week I have made a really fun and useful tutorial that not only gives you great results, it will also teach you a little bit about channels. Don’t worry, they aren’t […]
Sharing your location can be incredibly useful, whether you’re meeting up with friends, catching up with family or ensuring your safety. Google Maps on Android makes it easy to share your real-time […]
Gradient maps are a secret weapon for retouchers and colorists. It’s so easy to make photography look rich or cinematic, by adding a simple gradient Map, and a couple of other easy […]
If you’re like me, you use Google Maps as your sat nav when driving to unfamiliar places, but a recent change means the interface is suddenly a distracting app to use. Don’t […]
An emerging mini-trend at CES this year is robot pool cleaners that generate cleaning patterns based on the size and shape of your pool, and a new high-end cleaner from Beatbot is […]
The Hidden Presets in Photoshop There is an easy way to get high end color grading in photoshop with Gradient Maps. There are lots of bonus presets that ship with Photoshop, including […]