Android phones and Android tablets cannot connect to Ad Hoc networks, by default. Our Helproom Editor explains how to use third-party Ad Hoc enablers, as well as how to how to set […]
The latest version of Android is Lollipop, and Google has made a few changes to the way you access Wi-Fi settings. Signing into Wi-Fi networks on Android varies from phone to phone […]
Remember voicemail? When you recorded yourself telling someone why you called them. We can, of course, just send a text if we can’t reach the person we want to speak to. Yet, voicemail […]
If you buy a smartphone from a mobile operator you can expect it to work properly on 4G. But what if you buy one SIM-free second hand, or from abroad? Things get […]
There are various ways to work together in a network based on Windows 11. The simplest is to set up a shared workgroup, a kind of team of computers with equal rights. […]
After updating Windows 11 to the latest 24H2 version, some PCs are experiencing problems with network and internet connections. It appears that the DHCP feature in Windows 11 is no longer working […]
Network security is not just for IT professionals. Even home users need to keep their networks secure to prevent unauthorized people from, for example, hogging their broadband, installing malware that turns connected […]
The Tor network was created in the early 2000s as a project at the Naval Research Laboratory, a research institute of the U.S. Army. Since 2006, the independent non-profit organization The Tor […]
Network security sounds like something that would concern an IT manager at a big company, but even ordinary home users have good reasons not to leave their small home networks to the […]
Sony made a lot of PC gamers happy when it started bringing some choice PlayStation-exclusive franchises to the PC…then made a lot of them angry by requiring a PlayStation Network account to […]