The internet is a vast and wondrous information ocean, full of beauty and terror. Navigating these endless waters requires a sturdy ship and stars to sail them by, which in non nautical […]
Microsoft recently unveiled plans to clean up the increasingly labyrinthine Settings page in its Edge browser. First spotted by Windows Latest, you can see these plans for yourself if you head over […]
Learn how to Design a magazine layout right inside Adobe Photoshop. But this is not an ordinary layout/ Colin Smith shows you how to build a template out of the design so […]
This Photoshop tutorial has it all; How to make a page peel, how to turn day into night, blending layers, how to cut out a person and add highlights and a whole […]
Back in August, Microsoft started testing some new changes to the Microsoft Store that primarily focused on a new Downloads section and a tweaked Library section, along with a new product page […]
Graphic designers are going to love this one. But if you’re a retoucher you will also find this page turn tutorial useful. I had a lot of fun making it, I hope […]
How do you bookmark a Web site? Most users venture into the Bookmarks menu, click Add to Favorites (or something similar), and so on. It can add up to a lot of […]