It’s common sense that if you have a Windows PC, you need a third-party security suite to protect it. Right? Well, maybe not. That might’ve been the common sense mantra for decades, […]
Remove People in Photoshop ACR Go anywhere interesting these days, and chances are, there are people there. Lot’s of them. Try to take a photo and you are going to have to […]
Artificial intelligence is increasingly being shoved into everything, but AI chatbots in particular have exploded in popularity lately. Companies like OpenAI and Microsoft are pushing the likes of ChatGPT and Copilot to […]
Social media can be a great way to interact and exchange ideas with people from all around the world. Sadly, it can also be a place where undesirable commenters bombard you with […]
Snapchat can be a great way to share your adventures with friends and family, but every now and again some people overstep the line and spoil the party for everyone. If that’s […]
Since its initial release back in 2009, WhatsApp has gone on to become one of the most popular ways for people to keep in touch. The app now has over 1 billion […]
There’s little doubt that Instagram is a great place to keep up with the photographic exploits of friends and family, as well as following celebrities and significant figures who share their lives […]
Online shooters can get contentious, so it’s no surprise that they’re filled with cheaters and regular players whose behaviors get them banned. But some hackers were able to exploit Call of Duty‘s […]
Facebook and Instagram have a problem. Well, they have many, many problems, but one of the ones they feel like addressing is “celeb-bait ads and impersonation.” According to a new post from […]
This fun Photoshop tutorial shows you how to take photos of people and make them look tiny. Composite the people into a scene with a dog to make it look really giant. […]