If you find yourself receiving calls from numbers that you don’t recognise, or simply want to know where your friends or family might be, then tracking a phone number can be a […]
So, you’ve got a new Android phone and want to get your voicemail up and running. Or maybe you’ve had one for a while and never gotten around to recording the message […]
While hardware is crucial on any smartphone, the software is arguably even more important. It’s what you directly interact with every single day, so you want something that’s easy to use and […]
Is there anything more frustrating than trying to charge your phone, only to find it stubbornly refusing to juice up? We rely heavily on our phones for communication, productivity and entertainment. When […]
Google’s AI-powered photo editing tools can make any image instantly look much better by removing photobombers, improving the light source, or unblurring faces with just a few taps. Up until now, it’s […]
The more you rely on a smartphone, the more alarming it is to think about losing it. And most of us rely heavily on our phones. But if you’ve prepared ahead by […]
We’ve all locked ourselves out of our phones at some point, but don’t worry, there are various things you can do to get back in without losing your sanity or data. We […]
Whether you’re receiving intrusive calls or simply don’t know who has your phone number and would like to start again, it might be time to change it. However, it’s not obvious how […]
Smartphones are technical marvels. The computing power they contain is ridiculous really, but of course all this innovation and complexity can bring with it a few problems that leave you scratching your […]
Although we’re still a way off the official release of Android 15, developers (and curious tech fans) do have a means of getting access to the pre-release beta version of Android 15, […]